You are invited to participate in a research study that aims to assess the impact and incorporation of Telehealth Medicine into your practice. We are hopeful that this study will lead to improvements in the use of Telehealth for patient care in the field of urology. You were selected as a possible participant in this study because you are a Urologist, urology resident, or Advanced Practice Provider in Urology. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this survey. No direct benefit will accrue to you for completing this survey. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and has been IRB approved by MUSC. The only foreseeable risk to participation is potential loss of confidentiality. If you decide to participate, please complete the link below and fill out the anonymous survey. Selecting the link implies your consent to participate in this study.

Thank you for taking the time in participating in this short survey regarding the use of Telehealth During times of Covid.

Your responses will remain anonymous.

If there are any concerns about the survey, please forward all questions the

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