Dear ACS National Navigation Roundtable Member,

The American College of Surgeons/Commission on Cancer recently approved a new quality metric for head and neck cancer: time to initiation of postoperative radiation therapy. We are interested in understanding the present and future role of navigators in helping cancer centers meet their goal for this quality metric. To that end, we designed this survey to assess (1) the current landscape of navigation for patients with head and neck cancer through the treatment continuum and (2) barriers and facilitators to enhancing navigation through postoperative radiation therapy for patients with head and neck cancer.

Please forward this link to the person who is most knowledgeable about navigation services provided for patients with head and neck cancer at your organization/health system. This person may be a navigator or navigator supervisor. If there is someone in another organization who you think would be a valuable contributor to the survey, please feel free to forward this link to them as well.

Thank you for your engagement on this topic!

Elizabeth Calhoun, PhD, MEd

Electra Paskett, PhD

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