EIM Physical Fitness Assessment |
Exercise is Medicine® On Campus is an initiative sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that promotes physical activity as a vital sign of health. As an ACSM Gold Level recognized campus, MUSC encourages faculty, staff and students to work together toward improving the health and well-being of the campus community by:
• Connecting university health care providers with university fitness specialists to provide a referral system for exercise prescription
• Providing MUSC students with the tools necessary to optimize healthy lifestyle habits for effective self care and the care of patients/populations they serve
• Making movement a part of the daily campus culture by offering resources and opportunities for physical activity
The ACSM (and CDC) National Fitness Guidelines recommend that all healthy adults aged 18-65 should participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week.
Below is a brief physical activity assessment that allows you to reflect on your current levels of physical activity. Completing the assessment will also make you eligible for a free fitness consultation with a certified fitness professional at the MUSC Wellness Center.
Participation in this program (i.e. assessment and/or consultation) is entirely voluntary. You will not be contacted at any time in regards to your responses without explicit permission. EIM-OC MUSC and is facilitated by the MUSC Wellness Center in partnership with the Office of Health Promotion, Student Health Services, and Student Counseling and Psychological Services.