Assigned Presentation Time
Presenting Author First Name
* must provide value
Presenting Author Last Name
* must provide value
Presenting Author Email Address
* must provide value
Are you an international student?
* must provide value
Should you place 1st or 2nd during the award ceremony, please indicate if you are on a stipend or payroll to expedite your award in a more timely manner.
* must provide value
Stipend Payroll I'd like to be contacted.
Are you a COM student or in a program with mandatory exams the morning of Research Day and need to request a later presentation time?
* must provide value
LIST the the funding sources for the work described in the abstract (use abbreviations and separate by commas).
Use funding source abbreviations where possible
Select presenting Author college affiliation. If you are entering your abstract as a high school or college student when you were performing your research, select the college of your mentor.
* must provide value
Dental Medicine Dental Medicine (DMD PhD) Medicine Medicine (MD PhD) Graduate Studies Graduate Studies (MSTP) Health Professions Nursing Pharmacy
Presenting Author Department
Your full name and email address if you are submitting this on behalf of the presenter.
Principal Investigator (PI) First Name
* must provide value
This is the name of the Investigator who's lab you were in where you performed the work for the abstract
Principal Investigator (PI) Last Name
* must provide value
Principal Investigator (PI) Email
* must provide value
Principal Investigator (PI) Department Affiliation
* must provide value
List the OTHER Authors (do NOT re-enter the presenter's name or the PI).
Enter all other authors names for the abstract. Enter full name (first last) using a common between each co-author.
Select the Category that applies to the presenting author and type of study described in the abstract (if applicable)
* must provide value
High School/College Student Medical/Dental Student - Social/Behavioral Sciences Medical/Dental Student - Basic/Clinical Sciences Masters Student - Social/Behavioral Sciences Masters Student - Basic/Clinical Sciences Other Health Professions Student - Social/Behavioral Sciences Other Health Professions Student - Basic/Clinical Sciences PhD - Social/Behavioral Sciences PhD - Basic/Clinical Sciences Postdoc, Resident, Fellow, Staff Scientist Research Specialist, Research Assistant, Technician Uncertain
Year of Matriculation
* must provide value
Undergraduate/College/High School 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 prior to 2015
This is the year in which you began in your current program
What program/college are you affiliated with?
* must provide value
1. COM 2. CON 3. CDM 4. CGS 5. CHP 6. COP
In one or two words, enter the scientific topic of your research
* must provide value
Please only use one or two words. For example; cancer; cardiovascular; rehabilitation sciences; neuroscience; etc.
Title of Abstract (200 characters or less).
* must provide value
Abstract (300 words or less) Keep in mind abstracts are printed as a single paragraph.
* must provide value
It is suggested you copy/paste the abstract from a word processing program such as Word. Do not forget to check your word limit of 300 words or less.
Delivery Method Requested
* must provide value
Oral Poster
Have you or your mentor thought about patenting the content of this research?
* must provide value
No Yes
Could this research directly result in a new diagnostic, therapeutic, medical device or other advancement in healthcare?
* must provide value
No Yes Unsure
If you or your mentor believe that, or are unsure if, this work could be patented and licensed at a future date, please contact the MUSC Foundation for Research Development (FRD)( immediately. Your abstract will be posted to the Research Day website, will appear in the hardcopy program, and the poster and/or presentation is open to the public; all of which are considered a PUBLIC DISCLOSURE that will result in the loss of intellectual property rights and impact the ability to patent and license this technology. You MUST have agreed with your mentor on the content of your abstract and presentation. Please note that even if you withhold the abstract that the poster and/or presentation is still a PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. The FRD will help you take proper precautions to preserve the potential for patenting at a later date, or ensure that proper intellectual property protection is in place prior to Research Day. This will allow you to present at Research Day while properly preserving your patent rights.
Submitting your abstract into the Research Day database is NOT considered public disclosure and therefore, you will have the opportunity to edit the abstract on the recommendation of the FRD after submission.
You must select one of these two choices:
* must provide value
WITHHOLD abstract text from booklet and other online resources PUBLISH abstract
Sigma Xi Award
Sigma Xi will sponsor an award for best presentation between all qualified oral and poster submissions. The award will consist of a $150.00 cash prize and dues for one year membership in Sigma Xi.
1) The presenter must display superior skills in scientific investigation and communication, commensurate with the individual's level of training.
2) The presenter or primary advisor must currently be an active, dues-paying member of Sigma Xi.
3) Contact Dr. Karen Burnett ( to apply for membership in Sigma Xi.
Contact information for this award is Dr. Karen Burnett of Grice Marine Laboratory, College of Charleston, 205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412. Dr. Burnett may be reached by phone at (843) 709-4122 or via email at or Alternative contact is Dr. Dr. Jessica McCoy at 632 Harbor View Road
Charleston, SC 29412. Her contact number is (843) 830-0434, or you may reach her via email at
If either you or your mentor fit the eligibility criteria, do you wish to be considered for the Sigma Xi Award?
No Yes
Interprofessional Award
This award will be selected by a team of judges on behalf of the MUSC Office of Interprofessional Initiatives, and will be in the form of a framed certificate.
Eligibility criteria for this award:
1. A high quality research study with an accompanying excellent visual and oral presentation;
2. At least two investigators are from different colleges or professions or one investigator is from one college and the faculty advisor from another college;
3. A brief description of the contributions made by each member of the research team to the conduct of the research project;
4. The interprofessional collaboration has enhanced the project in clear and identifiable ways.
5. Identification by selecting "Yes" in the box below relating to interprofessional research.
During your presentation, you must explicitly address how your project meets criteria #2, #3, and #4 above.
NOTE: Abstracts will be screened based on your responses with the intent to accept only those projects with significant interprofessional collaboration.
Please contact Dr. Lisa Langdale at if you have questions or concerns regarding applying for this award.
Does your presentation fit the above criteria as INTERPROFESSIONAL?
* must provide value
No Yes
You selected "Yes". Would you like it to be considered for the award of Outstanding Interprofessional Research Presentation?
Yes No
Briefly describe the Interprofessional aspects of your work and how the interprofessional aspects impacted the outcomes of the project.
Did 2 or more professions had input to the design and implementation of this project or study?
Yes No
If yes, please list the professions:
And be prepared to comment on the significance of the IP collaboration during your presentation.
The John Vournakis Innovation Award
To be considered for this award, presentations must:
1) have the potential for development of intellectual property/patentable,
2) have commercial potential,
3) have high scientific merit, and
4) be innovative.
To be considered eligible for this category, all four criteria need to be met.
The overall combination of these criteria will decide the winners (first and second place) of the John Vournakis Innovation Award.
If your project satisfies all four of the above criteria, do you want to be considered for the John Vournakis Innovation Award?
No Yes
Briefly describe why you feel your work qualifies for this award.
Research projects that meet the following criteria may be considered for the Health Humanities Award category.
1. Project aims to foster skills in critical thinking, analysis, observation, reflection, or communication among health science students through an arts/humanities educational intervention.
2. Project aims to improve patient experiences and/or outcomes or to promote resiliency among health care providers through an arts/humanities intervention.
A prize of $100 will be presented to the first-place winner.
Does your project meet the above criteria? If so, would you like to be considered for the Health Humanities Award?
No Yes
This poster award will recognize work focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and health disparities at MUSC.
The project should tackle at least one of the following research areas:
- Research aiming to reduce health disparities across ethnic, racial and/or underserved groups
- Identifying disease states whereby health disparity is predominant
- Development of treatment modalities providing effective therapies, irrespective of ethnic background
- Strategies to encourage participation of minorities in national/international registries and/or ongoing studies
A prize of $300 will be presented to the winner. Winners in other Research Day categories will be disqualified in order to provide support to as many internationals participants as possible. We appreciate your understanding.
Does your project meet the above criteria? If so, would you like to be considered for the Alleviating Disparities in Healthcare Award.
No Yes
This award will acknowledge outstanding international participants only, working on projects that demonstrate rigorous scientific approach. Any international researcher is eligible, noting that at least one of two awardees will be a graduate student.
Two prizes of $300 each will be presented to the winners (one for poster and one for oral presentation). Winners in other Research Day categories will be disqualified in order to provide support to as many internationals participants as possible. We appreciate your understanding.
Does your project meet the above criteria? If so, would you like to be considered for the Excellence Beyond Boundaries Award.
No Yes
Institute for Healthy Aging
Basic and clinical research projects that focus on healthy aging or better understanding/treating aging related diseases and conditions will be considered for the Institute for Healthy Aging Award category. Please make it explicitly clear in the abstract how the research is related to aging. This award will be selected by a team of judges sponsored by the MUSC Institute for Healthy Aging. First place will be awarded $300 and second place will be awarded $150 gift cards for both poster and oral presentations.
For questions regarding qualifying for this award, please contact Dr. Annie Simpson at
Does your abstract satisfy the above criteria for the award?
Yes No
Do you wish to be considered for the Institute for Healthy Aging Award?
Yes No
Briefly describe why you feel your work qualifies for this award.
Lowcountry Center for Veterans Research will offer 5 awards with cash prizes:
1st place - $500 & 2nd place - $200 in Oral
1st place - $500 & 2nd place - $200 in Posters
Rick Klein Young Investigator Award - $100
Are VA resources (VA mentor's time and/or VA space and/or VA patients) used in your research?
Yes No
Has your research been submitted to the VA Research & Development Committee for approval?
Yes No
Is Ralph H. Johnson VAMC been acknowledged in your abstract?
Yes No
Do you wish to be considered for the Lowcountry Center for Veterans Research Award?
Yes No
Upload a copy of your abstract here. It is best to use a Word document (.doc or .docx) since some symbols and special characters can be lost when pasting into the above abstract box.
* must provide value
If you are interested in multiple special awards, which award is your top choice?
(This will not restrict you from limiting any awards, we are simply trrying to get a better understanding of the focus of our current award groups)
* must provide value
Alleviating Disparities in Healthcare Award Center for Healthy Aging Award Excellence Beyond Boundaries Award Health Humanities Award Interprofessional Award John Vournakis Innovation Award Lowcountry Center for Veterans Research Award Sigma Xi Award I do not have a preference in which Special Award I receive. I am not interested in winning a Special Award.
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