Thank you for your interest in the I AM Study!

We are recruiting participants for a research study on the earliest brain changes that may lead to Alzheimer's disease. Please provide your information below if you:

- Are between the ages of 45-85

- Have English as your first/primary language

- Are interested in participating in a research study that involves an MRI scan, PET scan, testing of your memory and thinking skills, and a fasting blood draw.

- Are generally healthy (i.e. with no significant and unstable medical, mental health, or brain-related conditions)

- Do not have problems with memory and other thinking skills, beyond what can be expected with age

Providing your information here only indicates that you agree to be contacted by a researcher who can give you further details and can answer your questions about our study. That is, by providing your information here, you are not "signing up" for this study; you may decline your interest or desire to participate in our research at any time. The information you provide here will be kept confidential and will be stored in a secure server at MUSC.

Thank you very much again for your interest!


The I AM Study Team

MUSC IRB# Pro00073604

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