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Please tell us how the workshop could have accommodated you better or give us any other comments you may wish to provide.
Which sessions were most impactful?
Day 1:
Day 2:
The Complexities, Challenges, and Promise of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Catherine Lang, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA
Distinctive Challenges in Design and Data Analysis of Pediatric Rehabilitation Trials ; Stephanie DeLuca, Ph.D., Virginia Tech University
We Found a Way: Conducting and Modifying an In-Person Randomized Controlled Trial for Vestibular Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City ; Anat Lubetzky, PT, Ph.D.
Application of Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Designs to Bridge the Research-Practice Divide for mRehab Interventions ; Susan Magasi, Ph.D.
Standardization to Achieve Optimal Data Quality in Multi-Site Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Veronica T. Rowe, MS(R), Ph.D., OTR/L, CBIST, FNAP
Multi-Site Clinical Trials: Treatment Fidelity and Beyond ; Noelle Moreau, Ph.D., PT
Participant Retention, Compensation, and Compliance during Knee Joint Immobilization Research: An Analysis of Two Clinical Trials ; Matt Stock, Ph.D.
A Story of Those Who Get Left Behind ; Ela Plow, Ph.D., PT
Beyond the Clinic: Measuring Walking Performance and Mobility in Daily Life ; Kristie Bjornson, PT, Ph.D., MS
OpenCap: 3D Human Movement Dynamics from Smartphone Video ; Antoine Falisse, Ph.D.
Utilization of EPIC Slicer Dicer in Achilles Tendinopathy-A Recruitment Case Study ; Vaibhavi Rathod, PT
Changes in the Fronto-central Brain Activity for Balance Control in Chronic Stroke Survivors ; Komal Kukkar, PT, MS
Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss ; David Johnson, BS
Funding Agency Q&A Session
NIH Pragmatic Collaboratory ; Wendy Weber, ND, Ph.D., MPH
Assessing Organizational and Provider Context and Readiness to Inform National, Multi-Site Pragmatic Trials: Methods and Lessons Learned ; Elizabeth Skidmore, Ph.D., OTR/L
Moving Infant Rehabilitation Forward Through Rigorous Research Design: Moving from Single Site Single Variable Trials to Multi-Arm, Multi-Phase Intervention ; Stacey Dusing, PT, Ph.D.
Responder Analysis vs. Mean Change Analysis in Stroke Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Christy Cassarly, Ph.D.
Recruiting Under-Represented Minorities (U-RM) for Rehabilitation Research ; Warren Lo, M.D.
Ethical Considerations in Neurorehabilitation Clinical Trials: Emerging Principles & Priorities ; Michael Young, M.D.
Stakeholder Engagement and Integration in Clinical Trials ; Amy Darragh, OT, Ph.D.
Novel Clinical Trial of Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-based (fNIRS) Brain Computer Interface to Augment Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke ; Kelly Rishe, MSOT, OTR/L
Innovative Telerehabilitation Model for Slowing Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation ; Sangeetha Madhavan, PT, Ph.D.
Overcoming Barriers during COVID-19: A Completely Virtual Tele-Exercise Intervention Study for Adults with Chronic Neurological Impairments ; Devina Kumar, Ph.D., MSc, PT
Adaptive Clinical Trials in Spinal Cord Injury ; James Guest, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FRCS
Improving Functional Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Nationwide: A Hybrid I Effectiveness-Implementation Pragmatic Clinical Trial Approach ; Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, PT, DPT, Ph.D.
Closing Remarks ; Theresa Hayes Cruz, Ph.D.
Why was "The Complexities, Challenges, and Promise of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Catherine Lang, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Distinctive Challenges in Design and Data Analysis of Pediatric Rehabilitation Trials" by Stephanie DeLuca, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "We Found a Way: Conducting and Modifying an In-Person Randomized Controlled Trial for Vestibular Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City" by Anat Lubetzky, PT, Ph.D. , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Application of Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Designs to Bridge the Research-Practice Divide for mRehab Interventions" by Susan Magasi, Ph.D. , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Standardization to Achieve Optimal Data Quality in Multi-Site Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Veronica T. Rowe, MS(R), Ph.D., OTR/L, CBIST, FNAP , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Multi-Site Clinical Trials: Treatment Fidelity and Beyond" by Noelle Moreau, Ph.D., PT, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Participant Retention, Compensation, and Compliance during Knee Joint Immobilization Research: An Analysis of Two Clinical Trials" by Matt Stock, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "A Story of Those Who Get Left Behind " by Ela Plow, Ph.D., PT , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Beyond the Clinic: Measuring Walking Performance and Mobility in Daily Life " by Kristie Bjornson, PT, Ph.D., MS, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "OpenCap: 3D Human Movement Dynamics from Smartphone Video" by Antoine Falisse, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Utilization of EPIC Slicer Dicer in Achilles Tendinopathy-A Recruitment Case Study" by Vaibhavi Rathod, PT, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Changes in the Fronto-central Brain Activity for Balance Control in Chronic Stroke Survivors" by Komal Kukkar, PT, MS, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss" by David Johnson, BS, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was the Funding Agency Q&A Session among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "NIH Pragmatic Collaboratory" by Wendy Weber, ND, Ph.D., MPH, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Assessing Organizational and Provider Context and Readiness to Inform National, Multi-Site Pragmatic Trials: Methods and Lessons Learned" by Elizabeth Skidmore, Ph.D., OTR/L, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Moving Infant Rehabilitation Forward Through Rigorous Research Design: Moving from Single Site Single Variable Trials to Multi-Arm, Multi-Phase Intervention" by Stacey Dusing, PT, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Responder Analysis vs. Mean Change Analysis in Stroke Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Christy Cassarly, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Recruiting Under-Represented Minorities (U-RM) for Rehabilitation Research" by Warren Lo, M.D. , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Ethical Considerations in Neurorehabilitation Clinical Trials: Emerging Principles & Priorities" by Michael Young, M.D. , among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Stakeholder Engagement and Integration in Clinical Trials" by Amy Darragh, OT, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Novel Clinical Trial of Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-based (fNIRS) Brain Computer Interface to Augment Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke" by Kelly Rishe, MSOT, OTR/L, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Innovative Telerehabilitation Model for Slowing Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation" by Sangeetha Madhavan, PT, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Overcoming Barriers during COVID-19: A Completely Virtual Tele-Exercise Intervention Study for Adults with Chronic Neurological Impairments" by Devina Kumar, Ph.D., MSc, PT, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Adaptive Clinical Trials in Spinal Cord Injury" by James Guest, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FRCS, among the most impactful sessions?
Why was "Improving Functional Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Nationwide: A Hybrid I Effectiveness-Implementation Pragmatic Clinical Trial Approach" by Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, PT, DPT, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Why were the "Closing Remarks" by Theresa Hayes Cruz, Ph.D., among the most impactful sessions?
Which sessions were least impactful?
Day 1:
Day 2:
The Complexities, Challenges, and Promise of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Catherine Lang, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA
Distinctive Challenges in Design and Data Analysis of Pediatric Rehabilitation Trials ; Stephanie DeLuca, Ph.D., Virginia Tech University
We Found a Way: Conducting and Modifying an In-Person Randomized Controlled Trial for Vestibular Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City ; Anat Lubetzky, PT, Ph.D.
Application of Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Designs to Bridge the Research-Practice Divide for mRehab Interventions ; Susan Magasi, Ph.D.
Standardization to Achieve Optimal Data Quality in Multi-Site Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Veronica T. Rowe, MS(R), Ph.D., OTR/L, CBIST, FNAP
Multi-Site Clinical Trials: Treatment Fidelity and Beyond ; Noelle Moreau, Ph.D., PT
Participant Retention, Compensation, and Compliance during Knee Joint Immobilization Research: An Analysis of Two Clinical Trials ; Matt Stock, Ph.D.
A Story of Those Who Get Left Behind ; Ela Plow, Ph.D., PT
Beyond the Clinic: Measuring Walking Performance and Mobility in Daily Life ; Kristie Bjornson, PT, Ph.D., MS
OpenCap: 3D Human Movement Dynamics from Smartphone Video ; Antoine Falisse, Ph.D.
Utilization of EPIC Slicer Dicer in Achilles Tendinopathy-A Recruitment Case Study ; Vaibhavi Rathod, PT
Changes in the Fronto-central Brain Activity for Balance Control in Chronic Stroke Survivors ; Komal Kukkar, PT, MS
Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss ; David Johnson, BS
Funding Agency Q&A Session
NIH Pragmatic Collaboratory ; Wendy Weber, ND, Ph.D., MPH
Assessing Organizational and Provider Context and Readiness to Inform National, Multi-Site Pragmatic Trials: Methods and Lessons Learned ; Elizabeth Skidmore, Ph.D., OTR/L
Moving Infant Rehabilitation Forward Through Rigorous Research Design: Moving from Single Site Single Variable Trials to Multi-Arm, Multi-Phase Intervention ; Stacey Dusing, PT, Ph.D.
Responder Analysis vs. Mean Change Analysis in Stroke Rehabilitation Clinical Trials ; Christy Cassarly, Ph.D.
Recruiting Under-Represented Minorities (U-RM) for Rehabilitation Research ; Warren Lo, M.D.
Ethical Considerations in Neurorehabilitation Clinical Trials: Emerging Principles & Priorities ; Michael Young, M.D.
Stakeholder Engagement and Integration in Clinical Trials ; Amy Darragh, OT, Ph.D.
Novel Clinical Trial of Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-based (fNIRS) Brain Computer Interface to Augment Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke ; Kelly Rishe, MSOT, OTR/L
Innovative Telerehabilitation Model for Slowing Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation ; Sangeetha Madhavan, PT, Ph.D.
Overcoming Barriers during COVID-19: A Completely Virtual Tele-Exercise Intervention Study for Adults with Chronic Neurological Impairments ; Devina Kumar, Ph.D., MSc, PT
Adaptive Clinical Trials in Spinal Cord Injury ; James Guest, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FRCS
Improving Functional Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Nationwide: A Hybrid I Effectiveness-Implementation Pragmatic Clinical Trial Approach ; Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, PT, DPT, Ph.D.
Closing Remarks ; Theresa Hayes Cruz, Ph.D.
Why was " The Complexities, Challenges, and Promise of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Catherine Lang, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Distinctive Challenges in Design and Data Analysis of Pediatric Rehabilitation Trials" by Stephanie DeLuca, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "We Found a Way: Conducting and Modifying an In-Person Randomized Controlled Trial for Vestibular Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City" by Anat Lubetzky, PT, Ph.D. , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Application of Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Designs to Bridge the Research-Practice Divide for mRehab Interventions" by Susan Magasi, Ph.D. , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Standardization to Achieve Optimal Data Quality in Multi-Site Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Veronica T. Rowe, MS(R), Ph.D., OTR/L, CBIST, FNAP , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Multi-Site Clinical Trials: Treatment Fidelity and Beyond" by Noelle Moreau, Ph.D., PT, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Participant Retention, Compensation, and Compliance during Knee Joint Immobilization Research: An Analysis of Two Clinical Trials" by Matt Stock, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "A Story of Those Who Get Left Behind " by Ela Plow, Ph.D., PT , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Beyond the Clinic: Measuring Walking Performance and Mobility in Daily Life " by Kristie Bjornson, PT, Ph.D., MS, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "OpenCap: 3D Human Movement Dynamics from Smartphone Video" by Antoine Falisse, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Utilization of EPIC Slicer Dicer in Achilles Tendinopathy-A Recruitment Case Study" by Vaibhavi Rathod, PT, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Changes in the Fronto-central Brain Activity for Balance Control in Chronic Stroke Survivors" by Komal Kukkar, PT, MS, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Regenerative Rehabilitation for Enhancing Muscle Recovery Following Volumetric Muscle Loss" by David Johnson, BS, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was the Funding Agency Q&A Session among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "NIH Pragmatic Collaboratory" by Wendy Weber, ND, Ph.D., MPH, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Assessing Organizational and Provider Context and Readiness to Inform National, Multi-Site Pragmatic Trials: Methods and Lessons Learned" by Elizabeth Skidmore, Ph.D., OTR/L, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Moving Infant Rehabilitation Forward Through Rigorous Research Design: Moving from Single Site Single Variable Trials to Multi-Arm, Multi-Phase Intervention" by Stacey Dusing, PT, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Responder Analysis vs. Mean Change Analysis in Stroke Rehabilitation Clinical Trials" by Christy Cassarly, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Recruiting Under-Represented Minorities (U-RM) for Rehabilitation Research" by Warren Lo, M.D. , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Ethical Considerations in Neurorehabilitation Clinical Trials: Emerging Principles & Priorities" by Michael Young, M.D. , among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Stakeholder Engagement and Integration in Clinical Trials" by Amy Darragh, OT, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Novel Clinical Trial of Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-based (fNIRS) Brain Computer Interface to Augment Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke" by Kelly Rishe, MSOT, OTR/L, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Innovative Telerehabilitation Model for Slowing Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation" by Sangeetha Madhavan, PT, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Overcoming Barriers during COVID-19: A Completely Virtual Tele-Exercise Intervention Study for Adults with Chronic Neurological Impairments" by Devina Kumar, Ph.D., MSc, PT, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Adaptive Clinical Trials in Spinal Cord Injury" by James Guest, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FRCS, among the least impactful sessions?
Why was "Improving Functional Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Nationwide: A Hybrid I Effectiveness-Implementation Pragmatic Clinical Trial Approach" by Emma H. Beisheim-Ryan, PT, DPT, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?
Why were the Closing Remarks by Theresa Hayes Cruz, Ph.D., among the least impactful sessions?