As members of the MUSC community, we share a responsibility to support the university's mission and reputation by holding ourselves and others to the highest standards of ethical and legal conduct in all our academic and business endeavors. This commitment is demonstrated by our Compliance Office and our Code of Conduct. We all must be aware of and adhere to the policies, standards, laws and regulations that apply to our activities, report any concerns, and work together to resolve them.

To ask a compliance question or to report a concern, you may call our office directly at 843-792-8652, use the Compliance Reporting and Resource form below, email, or call the Confidential Hotline at 1-800-296-0296. The hotline is available to everyone 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week and provides an opportunity for concerns to be reported anonymously.

In support of MUSC's mission and values, we are accountable for our actions and our decisions not to act. Everyone is expected to comply with the Code of Conduct and report any known or suspected violations. MUSC policy prohibits discrimination or retaliation against any individual who reports in good faith any instance of conduct that does not comply or appear to comply with laws, rules, regulations and/or policies. Concerns about possible retaliation should be immediately reported to the University Compliance Office.

If there is an immediate risk to health or safety, please contact Public Safety at (843) 792-4196.

Be advised that all information contained within this report may become part of MUSC's administrative record-keeping. While information is often reported to us in confidence, we reserve the right to share information to the extent necessary to conduct our review.

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